Alit Technologies

The paint stripping products and technologies by ALIT on the pages of the Italian daily business newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore

ALIT’s Fastrip machines and Metalstrip products are the protagonists of the pages of Il Sole 24 Ore, special on Aluminium and Non-ferrous Metals.

On Monday, January 18, 2021, the issue of Il Sole 24 Ore containing a special dedicated to aluminium and non-ferrous metals and to companies operating in the materials of the future was published.

For the occasion, ALIT Technologies presented its Fastrip paint stripping machines and Metalstrip paint stripping products.

In fact, the combination of high-performance chemical formulations with low environmental impact of the Metalstrip paint strippers and the high-tech paint stripping machines of the Fastrip line makes ALIT the ideal technological partner to tackle the challenges of paint stripping and surface treatment.

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Fastrip T5: The versatile and sturdy solution for chemical paint stripping

Our range of paint stripping tanks allows to effectively remove paint from both ferrous metals and light alloys without compromising their surfaces.

Fastrip T5 is the range of paint stripping tanks with a capacity of 800 litres, developed by ALIT Technologies, which combines sturdiness, flexibility and process efficiency and allows to efficiently remove paint from hooks, frames or pieces to be recovered, whether they are of ferrous metals or light alloys, without compromising their surfaces.

Fastrip T5 is built on the concept of “tank within a tank”: the sealed external tank also serves a safety basin for fluid containment. Furthermore, our systems – made in AISI-304 – are equipped with a separate self-supporting plug-and-play touchscreen control panel and fully programmable cycle parameters.

The Fastrip T5 system is available in three versions, which combine a chemical and mechanical action for optimal stripping:

  • T5-US with ultrasound technology;
  • T5-MIX with a mechanical mixer;
  • T5-MT with a series of tanks in parallel with gantry-type handling.

The paint stripping process is optimized by the use of paint strippers from our Metalstrip Up&Down range.

Read the article published in the Verniciatura Industriale’s November/December issue and contact us for more information.

Fastrip T5: The versatile and sturdy paint stripping system by ALIT Technologies

Fastrip T5 is the range of paint stripping tanks with a capacity of 800 litres, which combines sturdiness, flexibility and process efficiency for an optimal stripping result.

On the November 2020 issue of the specialized magazine ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine, an article about the Fastrip T5 paint stripping tanks has been published. Fastrip T5 allows to efficiently remove paint from hooks, frames or pieces to be recovered, whether they are of ferrous metals or light alloys, without compromising their surfaces.

The Fastrip T5 system is available in three versions:

  • T5-US with ultrasound technology;
  • T5-MIX with a mechanical mixer;
  • T5-MT with a series of tanks in parallel with gantry-type handling.

The article was also published in Spanish and Portuguese on the November issue of ipcm® Ibérica e ipcm® LatinoAmérica.

Read the full article:

ALIT Technologies among the exhibitors of the CoatVex virtual fair

On occasion of the CoatVex virtual fair event, Fastrip T5 by ALIT is featured on the pages of Verniciatura Industriale.

Fastrip T5 allows effective paint removal from both ferrous metals and light alloys, without compromising their surface.

The Fastrip T5 systems are all built on the concept of “tank within a tank”, thanks to which the sealed external tank also serves a safety basin for fluid containment. They all feature an integrated electric heating system and combine both mechanical and chemical actions together. 

Fastrip T5 is equipped with a separate self-supporting plug-and-play touchscreen control panel and fully programmable cycle parameters. Its sturdiness is ensured by the building materials, including AISI 304, while maximum comfort of use is guaranteed by a professional design. 

The system is perfectly insulated from all sides and equipped with an interlock cover and set up for the fume extraction. 

ALIT Technologies also offers extra option such as customizable workpiece holders and a fume extraction system.

Read the article on Verniciatura Industriale and contact us for further information!

ALIT designs in remote a new in-line paint stripping system

The lockdown due to the pandemic did not stop ALIT Technologies’ team, who managed to complete the project for an in-line paint stripping machine, commissioned by a customer from Eastern Europe, despite the international travel restrictions.

During the health emergency of the first months of this year, an important Eastern European company contacted Alit Technologies for the design and installation of a system for the in-line paint stripping of hooks, to be integrated into a vertical coating line with a capacity of 2.2 m/min. 

“Although we received this request during the most critical period of the pandemic, that is, when national  and international travel was completely forbidden,” says Rossi, “with the collaboration of the entire technical team of Alit Technologies, working through remote connection, we were able to provide the customer with the optimal solution. Finally, in September, we supplied them with a tank type 1600, among the largest in terms of size of the ISP range”, explains ALIT’s CEO Loris Rossi on the pages of ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine.

Characteristics of the in-line paint stripping system

The system supplied consists of a horizontal tank from the 1600 series, made entirely of AISI 304 stainless steel with dimensions of 8400 x 700 mm. The conveyor runs above the tank for the in-line handling of coating hooks and frames. These are immersed and let move inside the paint stripping bath for a variable time of about 3 minutes. While still hanging onto the chain, the hooks come out of the chemical bath without any paint residue and they can be immediately reused for a new coating cycle.

“This plant, designed remotely by our staff, has a few particularly innovative features, that is, the ultrasound devices that we managed to integrate directly on the tank walls and the filter press with a vibratory hopper. This feeds the decanter for the use of a new flocculate called AlitFlock 4840, developed

by us to make the stripping sludge mass much drier”, explains Loris Rossi. 

Finally, in order to optimise the operation of the paint stripping system and achieve the results requested by the customer, ALIT Technologies formulated and developed some special products that are free from NMP (N-Methyl-2-pyrrolidone), which have already successfully passed the necessary laboratory tests.

Read below the article published on the international magazine dedicate to surface treatments ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine, issue n. 65 (September/October 2020):

Pasturi chooses ALIT for the new paint stripping process

Pasturi, an architectural aluminium profile company, has chosen ALIT Fastrip ISP for the stripping of its hanging hooks.

To strip the profile hanging hooks between one coating cycle and another, Pasturi, a company extruding aluminium profiles for several different sectors, including architecture and design, has installed the Fastrip ISP stripping plant by ALIT. 

The in-line plant installed at Pasturi strips the profile hanging hooks in less than three minutes, helping increase the line speed and reduce energy consumption and process costs.

Pasturi’s Fastrip in-line system features a 6-metre-long chemical stripping tank with a capacity of 2 tonnes of product and a hook immersion depth of 30 cm. 

Completely built in stainless steel, this horizontal tank is jacketed and it contains a circuit fed with electrically heated diathermic oil, in order to guarantee low operating costs and optimum temperature maintenance.

The peculiar design of this plant allows flexibly managing various components and options, from the ultrasound arrangement to the type of recirculation pump and suction system: everything must be adaptable to an ever-evolving process flow.

Read below the full article published on the international surface treatment magazine ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine, issue n. 59 (September/October 2019):

PSP counts on the new Fastrip spray technology to treat automotive components

PSP Sverniciature, one of the Italian pioneers of contracting paint stripping, has installed a Fastrip paint stripping plant.

The paint stripping machine developed by ALIT is based on the spray application technology and responded to PSP Sverniciature’s need to offer, in addition to the paint stripping of coating frames and accessories, a process suitable for all the materials that are difficult to handle with the cryogenic and thermal technologies, such as for example the aluminium workpieces constituting automotive components and design products like handles and lamps.

The advantages of the spray technology

The spray application technology ensures several advantages: it requires products that have a low environmental impact, which are activated at 120°C (i.e. almost the double of the temperature required by immersion processes, occurring at 50 or 60°C) but have very high flash points and are not toxic. 

As a further benefit, they also allow performing a “soft stripping” operation, i.e. a delicate stripping process that does not change the molecular structure of the workpiece or the chemistry of metal, which can thus maintain its peculiar

resistance characteristics.

The Fastrip paint stripping plant is used to recover products in any type of metal, especially aluminium and similar alloys, with defective coatings.

The paint stripping process

The plant is a modular system with one tank. The parts are loaded into a basket that subsequently enters the first tank, where they are treated at a temperature of 120°C. During the spraying of the paint stripping product, the basket rotates by 360° for the whole cycle, which ends with a suction phase. After checking that all workpieces have been properly stripped, the basket is removed from the stripping tank and is placed in a second, identical tank containing water at 70°C to rinse the components. In this way, after verifying that they have been stripped in compliance with specifications, the parts can be immediately packaged and prepared for delivery.

The system’s modular structure allows replacing only the saturated bath while using the second tank for cleaning and rinsing, so that it is not necessary to completely replace the stripping solution.

Besides meeting the PSP’s paint stripping requirements, ALIT staff identified other critical issues related to this process. That is why we tried to provide PSP with a complete system integrated with all useful devices to make its operation cost effective and eco-friendly. In addition to the new stripping technology, ALIT engineers designed and installed a diathermic oil heater, a scrubber for fume abatement, and a sludge treatment unit.

“Thanks to the Fastrip system, the diversity of materials and the recovery attempts performed by the applicator are no longer an issue: the defective coating removal speed and the ability to perform a multi-metal treatment have solved these problems and even streamlined the process, revolutionising the way in which paint stripping has always been conceived”, stated Massimiliano Prederi, owner of PSP Sverniciature. 

Read below the full article published on the international surface treatment magazine ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine, issue n. 57 (May/June 2019), and contact us for further information!

ALIT @ ALUMINIUM 2018 – 12H33

9 Oct 2018. Download our latest press release PR_ALIT The in-line paint stripping of hooks and steel goods has better consumption performance today 4 10 2018

ALIT @ ALUMINIUM 2018 – 12H33

The in-line paint stripping of hooks and steel goods has better consumption performance today

(Verona, Italy). At ALUMINIUM 2018, ALIT Technologies, a specialist in manufacturing chemical paint-stripping machines, will present the technical innovations surrounding its Fastrip ISP systems that has been designed for the in-line stripping of hooks used in electrostatic painting processes. The innovations are related, in particular, to the heating systems of tanks, which nowadays also work with oil, in order to guarantee better consumption performances. On the occasion of the fair, the recently built Fastrip plants will also be presented along with particularly interesting customised solutions.

Fastrip technologies, which were launched in 2012, are a range of highly modular machines that can adapt to pre-existing industrial lines. They are used in particular by the metalworking industries, specialising in painting, as well as anodic oxidation and extrusion industries when they have painting departments.

More than 25 plants are already operating in 15 countries around the world to witness the good reception these technologies have received, solving a problem closely felt by the sector, that is, the removal of paint from goods that have been badly painted in an economic and effective way.

Fastrip ISP systems consist of a tank positioned under the catenary in the area between the loading and unloading of the painted material. The hooks as well as metal profiles used in the painting processes are immersed in baths with chemical solutions suitable for a specific type of paint. For an optimal process, ALIT recommends its products of the Metalstrip line, which have been studied and tested by the company laboratories. The system typically takes a maximum of 3 minutes to complete the paint-stripping process. In the end, the hooks come out perfectly cleaned and ready for a new cycle of work – optimised – since the effective removal of the paint improves the electrostatics of the pieces, thus allowing a subsequent good painting of the goods to be treated.

ALIT Technologies, headquartered in San Bonifacio in the province of Verona, North-East Italy, also works in close contact with plant engineering industries to develop areas of work dedicated to paint removal in the industrial layout design itself. The metal stripping companies as well as those of metal extrusion and anodic oxidation with painting departments can, with ALIT systems, achieve great savings as compared to the manual removal of paint from badly stripped pieces or to their outsourced maintenance. Fastrip systems have constant technical support thanks to the company’s assistance team.

On the website, news, catalogues, technical information and contacts for any further information can be found. At this link – – there is a table outlining the products that can be treated with Fastrip technologies.

Muskita chooses the technological evolution of the Fastrip ISP machine

Cyprus-based aluminium manufacturer Muskita has installed a Fastrip ISP machine to treat its profile hanging hooks.

Muskita, manufacturer of aluminium profiles and accessories, has invested in an accessory phase of the coating process, greatly affecting productivity, energy efficiency, and operational safety: it has installed a paint stripping system to treat its profile hanging hooks, choosing the technological evolution of the Fastrip ISP machine produced by ALIT Technologies.

The system will help increase the speed of its coating line and it will enable the company to significantly reduce energy consumption and process costs. This is crucial for a company like Muskita, bearing much higher costs for energy supply than in the rest of Europe.

The Fastrip ISP system installed at Muskita’s premises is a 6-metre long chemical stripping tank, with a capacity of 2 tonnes of product and with a hook immersion depth of 30 cm. It is the first tank of this type to have a wall heating system with diathermic oil.

The tank can be completed with a water rinse module to remove the residual paint stripping oil and with an infrared lamp module for drying. The active paint stripping solution should never be changed, because the system is designed to be in balance: two products are used, one for the tank and one for feeding. 

Management is simple: the sludge is filtered by a filter press that produces a dry residue to be disposed of.

Read below the full article published on the international surface treatment magazine ipcm® International Paint&Coating Magazine, issue n. 53 (September/October 2018):

ALIT Technologies on A&L’s special issue dedicated to Aluminium 2018

ALIT’s solutions to strip aluminium parts presented in the special issue dedicated to the Aluminium 2018 trade fair of the magazine A&L.

On occasion of the Aluminium 2018 trade fair, which takes place every two years in Düsseldorf, ALIT showcased its paint stripping technologies for aluminium in the special issue dedicated to the fair of the A&L magazine

In particular, Fastrip ISP is an inline stripping plant with an innovative concept, which features a horizontal tank above which a rail runs for the in-line handling of hooks and frames intended for electrostatic coating operations. These are immersed and made pass through the stripping bath for a variable time of approximately 2 minutes. After leaving the chemical bath while still hanging onto the chain, they are completely clean and ready to be used in a new coating cycle.

It is a modular concept, which offers a high degree of personalization and can be integrated into the already existing production lines. 

Click here to read the article published on the October 2018 issue of A&L.


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