Alit Technologies

Revolution in extrusion dies cleaning: how Claris 9346MB transformed die cleaning for Extrusal S.A.

At the heart of the dynamic Portuguese company Extrusal S.A., a big change is revolutionising the extrusion die cleaning process. Through the introduction of Claris 9346MB, an innovative product, Extrusal has achieved relevant results that are changing the landscape of the dies cleaning plant managing. Let’s find out how this winning partnership has not only optimised Extrusal’s operational efficiency but also contributed to a more sustainable management of the environment.

Before we dive into the wonderful technicalities of Claris and its effects, it is only right to introduce you to Extrusal, who it is and what it does!

EXTRUSAL S.A. is a Portuguese company operating in the metallurgical sector, specializing in the extrusion of aluminium components and profiles for the construction industry (window and door systems, shading and cladding solutions, railings, and facade systems), general industry (transportation, engineering, energy, among others), and the automotive industry. Founded in March 1972, Extrusal has consistently remained at the forefront of technology, with a primary focus on the quality of its products and services to ensure maximum satisfaction for both direct and indirect clients.

Extrusal S.A. headquarters in Aveiro, Portugal.

Currently, the industry represents approximately 74% of the company’s turnover (26% automotive industry and 43% general industry), with direct exports accounting for 37%. Architectural sector exports primarily target PALOP countries, while the Industry sector exports to Europe.

Extrusal’s production process consists of:

  • Engineering and Development Department: Equipped with the latest CAD/CAM systems, it plays a crucial role in internal R&D. Collaborating with the Product Marketing Department and the Prototyping Center, this department develops technical solutions for the Construction sector;
  • Die Factory: Extrusal has an autonomous die factory that produces the majority of the dies used in the extrusion process. It is equipped with milling machines, machining centers, non-conventional lathes, turning CNC machines and EDM. The increasing complexity of products makes die manufacturing an increasingly important step in Extrusal’s production process;
  • Extrusion: Extrusal currently operates two extrusion lines (17MN and 20MN) with an annual extrusion capacity of approximately 13,000 tons (depending on productivity and profile type). The company has a dedicated Extrusion support laboratory for R&D of extrusion profiles and their control, conducting tests such as tensile tests, Brinell hardness, Webster hardness measurement, and roughness tests;
  • Machining: The machining section is equipped with saws, presses, milling machines, balancers, bending machines, and various dedicated equipment. Extrusal’s machining process complies with the NP EN ISO 9001 standard;
  • Thermal Cutting: Extrusal was the first company in Portugal to produce thermal cutting systems for architecture, with a dedicated production line;
  • Surface Treatments (powder coating, anodizing, and wood effect decoration): Extrusal has three sections dedicated to each type of in-house surface treatment. For anodizing, an electrolytic process, Extrusal has held Qualanod certification (no. 1405) since 1983. Powder coating, a Thermosetting coating process, has also been certified by Qualicoat since 1995. An internal laboratory ensures the quality control of processes and products.

Extrusal was the first Portuguese company, and one of the few in Europe, to obtain certification for the global quality management system – NP EN ISO 9002 – in the areas of die manufacturing, extrusion, anodizing, and .Thermosetting powder coating. Additionally, in 1997, Extrusal was the first Portuguese company, and one of the few in Europe, to obtain certification for the global quality management system – NP EN ISO 9002 – in the areas of die manufacturing, extrusion, anodizing, and powder coating.

A pioneer in environmental defense and preservation, Extrusal built a wastewater treatment plant in 1982. Environmental awareness has driven the acquisition of new equipment and technologies, leading to the implementation of an Environmental Management System and obtaining ISO 14001 environmental certification in 2002. Process optimization and a focus on reuse/recycling have been fundamental at Extrusal. The company has embraced an ecological organizational culture with all stakeholders, promoting sustainable practices throughout the organization.

In the architectural sector, the focus is on developing solutions using recyclable or recycled materials, energy-efficient, and durable. Extrusal’s portfolio includes hinged and sliding systems, cladding systems, shading solutions, facade systems, balustrading solution, shutters, and aluminium systems for indoor use. Window and door solutions undergo tests for thermal, acoustic, and AEV (air permeability, water tightness, and wind resistance) performance. Extrusal is one of the pioneering companies in adopting the Class+ labeling system promoted by ADENE.

Extrusal offers a wide range of solutions for the Industry sector, leveraging aluminium’s characteristics such as lightness, conductivity, durability, malleability, recyclability, and non-toxicity across various industries (from food to aerospace). For the automotive sector, Extrusal develops structural and decorative components with high-quality finishing. The company also contributes to the solar industry through its “Pro-Solar” solutions, designing and developing innovative aluminium structures for mounting solar panels or collectors.

Last but not least, alongside offering pre-conceived profiles, Extrusal provides clients with the opportunity to present their own projects.

Now that we have laid the groundwork for the case history of Extrusal S.A., it is time to dive into the practical part that will capture the attention of the industry’s technicians. We will explore how the use of the Claris 9346MB in the mould cleaning department has brought observable benefits and revolutionised the way Extrusal approaches this crucial operational aspect.

Dimensional Quality control of dies by Extrusal S.A.

The die cleaning tank used in Extrusal has a nominal volume of 1000 litre. Before the introduction of CLARIS in this plant the customer was using the dye cleaning solution, consisting in sodium hydroxide 30% w/w, for 24hours. As described by our colleague Pedro Oliveira “After this time has elapsed the alkaline solution was regularly dismissed because it was exhaust, no longer useful for cleaning of new extrusion dies. Practically there was a consumption of about 1000 litre of NaOH 30% every 24h work, and during this time the average amount of cleaned materials was about 6 baskets of extrusion dies”. Pedro continues by telling us that “After a visit to the die cleaning plant, and after collection of the preliminary technical date, it was organized a first test with Claris 9346MB. It was prepared the 1000 litre of NaOH 30% as usual, and it was added 25 g/l of CLARIS 9346MB, namely 25 Kg. Then the operators started the cleaning of extrusion dies as usual. After  24 hours, the operators realized that the bath was still effective, i.e still able to clean the extrusion dies, so a new cleaning cycle was started without changing the alkaline solution and without adding again CLARIS 9346MB. The cleaning of materials in this second cycle of 24h was perfectly efficient and after a total of 48 hours of use, the die cleaning bath was disposed of”. Pedro tells us that “with great customer satisfaction, the lifetime of the alkaline solution was doubled, without compromising its efficiency and productivity in any way“. The thermographic profiles collected against time are shown in Fig 1.

Pedro explains to us that “The blue colour profile refers to the test conducted WITHOUT Claris 9346MB, while the orange colour profile refers to the test conducted WITH 25g/l of Claris 9346MB dissolved in the alkaline cleaning solution. It can be observed that in the presence of CLARIS 9346MB, after about 24 hours, it was possible to insert a new load of baskets into the die cleaning tank, the temperature of the bath rose (also thanks to the exothermic reaction of aluminium dissolution) up to around 90°C, and then gradually dropped to at approximately 80°C over the next 24 hours. The thermographic profile was similar to that of the solution (blue line) without CLARIS, but the lifetime of the alkaline solution was double: An addition of 25 Kg of CLARIS 9346MB permit to the cleaning solution to treat double quantity of parts: truly fantastic!

Fig 1: Thermographic profile of the alkaline cleaning solution without (blue) and with CLARIS 9346MB

We asked Pedro to explain  us why the presence of Claris prolongs so much the lifetime of the extrusion die cleaning bath. And he replied that ” Cleaning an extrusion die means first removing the solidified aluminium that remains in the holes of the die. If Claris 9346MB is present in the alkaline solution, the dissolution process of the solid aluminium is modified, and thanks to Claris 9346MB it becomes in practice possible to mechanically extract the aluminium block from the matrix without dissolving too much of it in the liquid solution. In this way the process bath is not enriched too much with aluminium, and therefore remains much more active. To the point that, in the presence of a correct dosage of Claris 9346MB, the quantity of treatable dies can be doubled”.

An example of aluminium residues that can be extracted from extrusion dies without dissolving  too much aluminium in the alkaline solution is visible in Fig. 2.

Fig 2: residual aluminium blocks extracted from extrusion dies using 25g/l of CLARIS 9346MB in the alkaline solution.

 Without CLARIS 9346MBWith CLARIS 9346MB
Lifetime of alkaline solution24h48h
Al (TOTAL) dissolved in the exhaust cleaning solution 105 g/l105 g/l
n° of treated die basket612

Pedro confirms that “The use of Claris 9346MB at Extrusal S.A. it is now a consolidated practice, and the customer declares himself fully satisfied with the benefits deriving from its introduction in the dies cleaning process. The consumption of alkaline solution has been significantly reduced and with it the disposal of used alkaline solutions. From the environmental point of view, much more aluminium can be recycled and thanks to the controlled reaction, less gas is expelled into the atmosphere. This die cleaning process reduces smells in the working area, ensuring better working conditions to the operators”.


Claris 9346MB is an innovative additive for aluminum extrusion die cleaning, offering enhanced efficiency, cost savings, and extended bath life. It significantly improves the cleaning process, ensuring better performance and sustainability. Want to learn more? Visit our product page and contact us through our form. Follow ALIT Technologies on LinkedIn to stay updated with the latest advancements. Our commercial and technical staff are ready to assist you with any inquiries!

ALIT Technologies S.p.A Obtained the ISO 14001:2015 Certification

ALIT Technologies S.p.A has achieved a significant milestone by obtaining the ISO 14001:2015 certification, complementing its existing ISO 9001:2015 certification and reaffirming the company’s commitment in maintaining exceptionally high-quality standards.

Both the ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 standards provide a framework for improving quality management practices and environmental protection, showcasing an integrated dedication to operational excellence and sustainability.

The ISO 9001:2015 certification, previously awarded by the certification body SGS ITALIA s.p.a., has already validated the implementation of a quality management system aligned with customer needs, bolstering ALIT Technologies’ reputation as a reliable partner and advocate for continuous improvement. Now, with the new ISO 14001:2015 certification, the company further distinguishes itself for its commitment to sustainable practices, minimising environmental impact and aligning with global standards.

ISO 9001:2015 specifically emphasises customer focus and active involvement of leadership and staff, promoting an approach that treats activities as processes within a coherent system. Attaining this certification also requires that company decisions be based on evidence provided by data analysis. In contrast, ISO 14001:2015 needs the formulation of environmental policies and strategic planning to continually enhance sustainable performance, while adhering to legal requirements and established objectives. Additionally, it encourages employee and stakeholder engagement, as well as effective communication of information on environmental matters.

These certifications represent the ongoing growth journey of ALIT Technologies, which will undoubtedly continue to pursue new objectives.

The CEO of ALIT Technologies will be a speaker at S.M.A.R.T. 3, the largest Italian conference on the future of finishing between innovation and sustainability.

On May 22nd 2024, ALIT Technologies’ CEO Loris Rossi will be speaking at S.M.A.R.T. 3, the third edition of the biennial conference organised by UCIF, the Italian Association affiliated with ANIMA Confindustria Meccanica and dedicated to representing manufacturers of finishing systems. The presentation will focus on the advantages and potential of the in-line paint stripping process.

We are delighted to announce that Loris Rossi, the CEO and founder of ALIT Technologies, will be among the speakers at the third edition of the S.M.A.R.T. Conference (Surface. Manufacturing. Advanced. Research. Trends), which takes place on May 22nd 2024 at the Fondazione Cariplo Conference Center in Milan.

Organized by UCIF – Unione Costruttori Impianti di Finitura, the event will feature talks by industry professionals discussing the future of finishing, with a focus on innovation and sustainability.

Loris Rossi, as CEO of a growth-oriented company, will take a presentation about the great potential of in-line paint stripping. Today, this represents an incredible opportunity to achieve high levels of automation in the coating line.

Events like S.M.A.R.T. play a crucial role in facilitating knowledge exchange and serve as valuable networking opportunities in the surface treatment and finishing sector. For this reason, ALIT Technologies is pleased to actively participate in this initiative and share its point of view on the potential evolution of this industry.

Chemical Paint Stripping as an Alternative to Pyrolytic Stripping: The Case of Sabiana S.p.A.

In 2024, internalizing paint stripping becomes viable. But, how to choose the right technology, and what are the benefits? This article explores these questions through a case study.

For many companies involved in painting operations, having an in-house chemical paint stripping system can be essential. It can be used to reclaim defective parts and to strip hooks and frames used for hanging the components. In both cases, the ability to perform these operations internally provides significant advantages. For instance, the in-house paint-stripping of parts with surface defects is quicker, allowing for prompt reprocessing and avoiding delivery delays. Similarly, the in-house chemical paint-stripping of hooks instead of relying on external contractors, brings about clear benefits. The turnover of hooks becomes more regular and consistent, resulting in a better paint quality, and avoids the typical damages associated with thermal or mechanical stripping.

ALIT TECHNOLOGIES SpA, a leading provider of chemical paint stripping products and systems for metals, has introduced the comprehensive FASTRIP T5 MULTITANK system to meet the growing demand for internal paint stripping. The system includes a chemical stripping tank from the T5 series and a set of modular accessories tailored to the customer’s specific needs. With FASTRIP T5 MULTITANK, parts to be stripped can be loaded into specially designed baskets, lifted with the overhead crane, and effortlessly transferred to the FASTRIP T5 stripping tank. The stripped material is then moved to the rinse tank, where, if necessary, a final spray rinse can be performed using the ALIT mobile pump.

At this point, the basket containing the stripped and rinsed material is transferred, again with the overhead crane, to the loading and unloading tank, where any final dripping is collected. For a complete and detailed description of the FASTRIP T5 MULTITANK system, please refer to issue 3 of the ALIT ACADEMY Magazine. In this article, we present a new case study featuring a major client which has been stripping in-house frames for approximately 9 months (since April 2023) using the FASTRIP T5 MULTITANK system in conjunction with ALIT Technologies’ chemical products. The company has transitioned from an outsourced pyrolytic stripping process to an internal chemical stripping process, with the external process now limited to rare oversized hooks.

We asked Claudio Puppi, ALIT’s sales technician, to introduce the company involved in our case study.

Figure 1: Sabiana SpA, manufacturer of environmental conditioning devices

“Sabiana SpA (fig. 1) ( is an Italian company that conceives, designs, and manufactures devices for environmental conditioning of workplaces and living spaces. It builds equipment and systems for heating and cooling various spaces such as factories, offices, hotels, hospitals, shopping centers, and houses, all based on the most natural element: water. Sabiana’s product range includes air heaters, radiant panels, fan coils, air handling units, recovery units, electronic filters, evaporative coolers, and radiant systems. Established in 1929, Sabiana has grown in terms of business, article quality, and global presence. In 2014, Sabiana became part of AFG (Arbonia-Forster Holding AG), now Arbonia AG, an international technological leader in construction materials. Sabiana SpA has an in-house powder coating facility for applying epoxy-polyester coatings. This coating line produces a significant quantity of coating hooks that need regular stripping. In the past, Sabiana Spa used to rely on an external stripping service for this activity, with hooks collected in special boxes and regularly sent to the external provider.

Claudio Puppi continues saying that ALIT was contacted by the client which was interested in an alternative to pyrolysis. Tests on Sabiana Spa’s hooks were conducted in ALIT’s laboratories, revealing that stripping them with METALSTRIP 2011 at 80°C was feasible. Consequently, ALIT proposed the initial design of the FASTRIP T5 MULTITANK stripping system. This technical proposal was later refined to fit the client’s space, the geometries of the overhead crane, basket, and lifting system, with valuable input from Engineer Vincenzo Denti, Sabiana’s director, who prepared the work area. In April 2023, the FASTRIP T5 MULTITANK system was installed, and the client began internally performing regular chemical stripping of hooks. The management of this process was entrusted to Dr. Marco Colombo, a chemist at Sabiana SpA.

We asked Claudio Puppi for details on the process, and he specified that Sabiana SpA strips about 3 baskets of hooks per week, with variable cycle times ranging from a minimum of about 2 hours to a maximum of about 7 hours for hooks with very thick paint layers (fig. 2). The product used is METALSTRIP 2011 by ALIT TECHNOLOGIES Spa, maintained at a temperature of 80°C.

Figure 2: Sabiana hooks painted with very thick paint layers

After the stripping tank, the basket is transferred from the overhead crane to the rinse tank, where first immersion and then spray rinsing are performed using the ALIT mobile pump or a small pressure washer connected to the same rinse tank (fig. 3).

Figure 3: Spray rinsing of stripped hooks in the client’s facility

This minimizes water consumption, estimated at about 3000 litres per year. Despite stripping about 5000 kg of hooks annually, the consumption of stripping agent is low, approximately 1500 kg per year.” Claudio Puppi continues stating that these numbers have fully satisfied the client, who can now internally carry out stripping operations without:

• Managing the logistics of shipping and receiving hooks to the external stripping service, as was done previously.

• Worrying about the risk of thermal embrittlement of hooks, which was inherent in the previous pyrolytic process.

Following the introduction of FASTRIP T5 MULTITANK, the client has experienced the following benefits:

• Improved stripping quality.

• Fewer coating defects on final products.

• Hooks no longer damaged by the thermal stress generated by the pyrolytic process.

• Certification of hooks and their load-bearing capacity no longer deteriorates, as it did with the previous pyrolytic technology.

• Overall savings in the stripping process in terms of time and money.

Paint stripping productMetalstrip 2011
Activator              Aktivator 2550
Temperature75-80 °C
Treated partsEpoxy-polyester powder coated hooks
Average basket loadapprox. 40 kg of frames/basket
Average paint stripping time7 hours
No. basket/week                              2-3
Estimated total annual paint stripper consumptionApprox. 1500 kg of product/year
Amount of waste water/yearApprox. 3000 kg of water/year

Claudio Puppi emphasizes that this case study is another confirmation of the effectiveness of the FASTRIP T5 MULTITANK system and ALIT’s approach to the customer. When faced with an initial technical request, we conduct laboratory tests and work together with the client to design the best customized system solution (fig. 4). Precise, fast assembly is then carried out as ergonomically as possible, concluding with regular supplies of ALIT chemical products and a consistent service for analysing the stripping baths. Following this approach precisely, ALIT has achieved customer satisfaction with Sabiana SpA and is now ready for the next case study.

Figure 5: Complete FASTRIP T5 MULTI TANK System installed at Sabiana SpA


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